Thursday, July 13, 2017

DC Mission Trip

Hello friends and family members, 
We launched this blog for people to read about our upcoming mission trip to Washington D.C. on Saturday July 15th through the 21st! This blog will update you all on what we have been doing during the week and some incredible encounters we will have with God during our trip, so be on the look out!

    Our students have been preparing mentally, physically and most of all spiritually for this incredible trip.  We have been meeting at "The Bighouse" twice a month for the past couple of months to prepare for our trip.  During these meetings we worship together, we pray together, and we discuss our expectancy of what we believe is going to happen on this trip.  The students are excited, I am excited, we are all excited! 

A little background of what we will be doing:
   We have around 36 high school students who are giving up part of their summer to come serve the D.C. community through a ministry called Kids Konnection.  We will be doing sidewalk bible studies, games, small groups, and arts and crafts with the inner city youth of D.C.  During these days we will develop deep relationships with these kids and ministers that will hopefully last a lifetime.  I ask that you all pray that God would develop and lead our students to share the gospel confidently and boldly with these kids.  That the kids would leave being transformed by the Holy Spirit.  

   We also will be visiting some of the famous sites around D.C.  We will be visiting the capitol, the Smithsonian, the international spy museum, the national aquarium and get to go to the famous Camden Yards to see the Baltimore Orioles play.  All of these awesome activities will be followed by our own team time where we will worship together and pray together and come together as a community of believers that are ready to see God move within our community.  

   I have been praying that our trip will not only impact the lives of the people we connect with but also the lives of our students.  God led me to the story of Joshua during our prayer time, specifically Joshua 1:3, "I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses."  Wherever we set our feet this week we are doing it all as the hands and feet of Jesus.  God is giving us ground to walk on and to declare His as we partner with other believers with the same mission.  Our high school guys realize this and are prepared to walk in union with each other, other believers and with the Holy Spirit to bring hope, joy, love, and peace wherever we go during D.C. I couldn't be more pumped to serve with these high school leaders. 

Please pray for our trip, our students, and for the kids we will see on a day in day out basis.  

Updates will follow each day. 

  Bobby Peterson 

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

DC Mission Trip Wednesday, July 19, 2017-Day 4 Bill Garner I am writing this blog post en route to Camden Yards in Baltimore, Mar...